Corporate governance is a nebulous area of policy, practice and ethics that entails many stakeholders. It encompasses the systems and structures which guarantee transparency, accountability and transparency in the company’s operations and reports. It covers the way boards oversee the executive management of an organization, and the selection, monitoring and evaluation of the CEO’s performance. It also covers the manner in which directors make financial choices and how they communicate these to shareholders.
Corporate Governance was a subject of heated debate in the 1990s, with the implementation of market-building structural reforms in former Soviet nations and the Asian financial crisis. The Enron scandal of 2002, followed by shareholder activism in the form of institutional shareholders and the financial crisis of 2008 has led to increased scrutiny. Corporate governance is a hot issue today, with new developments and new pressures constantly appearing.
The predominant school of thought, referred to as the “shareholder primacy” view or Anglo-Saxon approach, places a high priority on shareholders. Shareholders elect the board of directors, which directs management and sets the strategic goals for the company. The board is responsible to select and evaluate the CEO, establish and monitor the enterprise policies for risk management, and oversee the operation of the company. They also present reports on their stewardship to shareholders.
Integrity honesty, transparency, fairness and responsibility are the four pillars of effective corporate governance. Integrity is the ethical and responsible way in which board members make decisions. Transparency is the term used to describe openness, honesty, and full public disclosure of information to all stakeholders. Fairness refers to how boards treat employees, suppliers, and clients. The responsibility of the board treats its members and the entire community.