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Virtual Tools in Teaching-Learning Processes

Communication is crucial to any company, whether it’s with teams or clients sharing ideas, obtaining feedback, or swiftly deciding on project deadlines and other aspects. Virtual tools offer teams the ability to seamlessly communicate regardless of where they are in the world or on the opposite side of the table.

This article uses the method of bibliometric analysis to analyze the most influential publications as well as journals and authors in the field of research on the use of virtual tools in teaching-learning processes. The aim of this article is to research and monitor the progress and development of these technologies within academic institutions and also to identify current trends and future applications (Villa and al. 2018).

A citation matrix investor data rooms work was created using the SCOPUS database. This database contains articles with high recognition in science, and a wide coverage of the literature in each area. The main search criteria were: terms similar to virtual tools in teaching-learning processes, as well as the key words “teaching – learning”.

Of these articles The most relevant were those that dealt with the use of web-based forums, teleconferences and chats to teach and management of educational process. They highlighted the benefits of these tools, indicating that they can be a fantastic alternative to traditional classrooms and facilitate active participation. They also highlighted the importance of the integration of these tools into the academic curriculum, to allow students to learn in a way that is flexible and acquire practical skills that can be useful in the workplace.

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