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How to Hold an Online Board Meeting

A board meeting online can be held without negating the benefits that come with face-to-face meetings. You can improve the efficiency of your meetings and productive by allowing all members to take part and using modern tools for online collaboration. It is still necessary to ensure that the fundamentals are in place.

Begin with a comprehensive list of attendees. This is a must-do for all board meetings, but especially so for virtual ones. You run the risk of not being able to hear from people who may have valuable insights and ideas.

Let everyone know how they can attend the meeting. If you need to, provide several ways to join – for example via video and audio.

Make use of modern remote board software that offers a variety of features that are designed to increase participation and make meetings more enjoyable. The right software can assist you in keeping your meeting on time through allowing for efficient discussion as well as efficient minutes-taking.

Set a objective for each topic. This helps keep the meeting focused and helps reduce the amount of time wasted on irrelevant or redundant topics. It’s also beneficial to include a time limit for each item of discussion. This is important because it’s easy for a meeting to veer off the track and run longer than originally planned.

Create a waiting room for those who wish to attend the meeting but are unable to attend. This can be helpful if there are unexpected conflicts in schedules or technical difficulties that can’t be solved.


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